Centene Corporation (CNC) Primed to Outperform with Improved Premiums and Expanding Customer Base - Trade Oracle


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Centene Corporation (CNC) Primed to Outperform with Improved Premiums and Expanding Customer Base

Centene Corporation (CNC) is a leading healthcare provider in the United States and is poised to reach even greater heights. Thanks to recent improvements in premiums and an expanding customer base, CNC is set to outperform the market and its competitors. The company’s commitment to providing quality healthcare services and products to its customers has allowed it to grow and develop into a major player in the healthcare industry. With a strong financial position and a commitment to innovation, CNC is well-positioned to continue its success for years to come.

Centene Corporation’s Sale of Non-Core Asset

Centene Corporation’s sale of its non-core asset, Apixio, to New Mountain Capital is indicative of the company’s commitment to focus on its core Managed Care business. The sale of Apixio allows Centene to streamline its operations and invest resources into its core competencies. Additionally, the company’s recent win of a managed care contract to serve people in Oklahoma through the SoonerSelect and SoonerSelect Children’s Specialty Plan programs will help the company to strengthen its market position. Centene’s health benefit ratio is estimated to be 87.1-87.7% for 2023, which is a sign of improved operating efficiency. The company is also looking to expand its use of Evolent’s oncology specialty care to improve cost management. With the U.S. President Joe Biden’s proposal likely to enhance Medicare’s ability to negotiate prices for drugs, Centene’s future performance looks promising.

Improved Health Benefit Ratio and Solid Q1 Results

Centene Corporation’s improved health benefit ratio and solid first quarter results are both indicative of a positive outlook for the company. With the sale of Apixio and the acquisition of the SoonerSelect and SoonerSelect Children’s Specialty Plan programs, CNC is focusing on its core managed care business and is expected to benefit from the growth in customer base and an active M&A strategy. The company’s health benefit ratio is estimated to be 87.1-87.7% for the 2023 year, signaling better operating efficiency and cost management. Furthermore, CNC’s premiums are expected to increase, while its costs are expected to remain low. The stock market’s volatility has been a concern for investors, but CNC’s improved premiums and expanding customer base could be beneficial for the company’s future performance. In addition, the company’s use of Evolent’s oncology specialty care is likely to help further reduce costs. Finally, President Joe Biden’s proposed changes to Medicare may also help to reduce drug prices, thus helping the company’s bottom line.

Biden Proposal to Enhance Medicare Negotiations

Centene Corporation (CNC) is making great strides in the managed care industry, as evidenced by the recent sale of its non-core asset, Apixio, and the managed care contract to serve people in Oklahoma. The company is also looking to expand its use of Evolent’s oncology specialty care to improve cost management. Additionally, CNC is seeing growth in its customer base and an active M&A strategy. However, there are still concerns about high technology expenses and medical personnel shortage. U.S. President Joe Biden’s proposal to enhance Medicare’s ability to negotiate prices for drugs could be a major boon for the company. By giving Medicare the power to negotiate prices, CNC stands to benefit from lower costs and improved efficiencies. This could have a positive impact on the company’s bottom line, as well as its stock price. The Medical-HMO industry is set to benefit from this proposal, and investors should take note of CNC’s potential for future growth.

Overall, Centene Corporation (CNC) is in a great position to outperform due to its improved premiums and expanding customer base. The company’s strategic investments in technology and customer service have enabled it to offer competitive prices and attract new customers. As the company continues to grow, its stock is likely to rise, making it an attractive investment opportunity for investors.

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